If we don't know you at your age, you're either an outsider or a crappy wannabe. If you can't skate don't bother talking to me.
—Rioh to Inori
Rioh Sonidori is a figure skater who is the son of Shinichiro Sonidori, the head of Meikoh Wind FSC and a silver olympic medalist.
A proud member of the figure-skating community and deeply suspicious of beginners. That is, unless they're boys. In fact, he's quite friendly with male skaters of all creeds and ages.
Appearance & Personality[]
Story Overview[]
Early Life[]
- He had his ears piercied because his mother pierced Hikaru's not long after she joined the family and wanted to match with her.
- It is implied he gave Hikaru an evil-warding amulet.
- His mother is Brazilian-American.